Good afternoon to all those who have encouraged me to write this autobiography of our adventure as we relocate our family to Mexico City, MX. CDMX.
This was a strange conversation between my husband and I as we started to become aware that his job may offer us an ability to live overseas. We had no clue what that looked like, nor how to go about making that a reality. The idea was very romantic, and as we all know the reality is a bit different.
When my husband and I were dating we talked, and dreamed, and prayed over a family we did not have just yet. I deeply wanted an ability to travel, and an ability to somehow expose our kids to the world through travel. Knowing how expensive traveling is, It was quite the pipe dream.
I knew that I, nor he, would be able to afford such “Luxury” so every time I begin to think a bit too big, I go to the one who thinks bigger. I prayed.
“I am the Lord, the God of all Mankind, Is anything too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:27
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask and it will be done for you.” John 15:7
So I did! I prayed that one day we could travel as a family. That was 10 years ago!
We had some friends who lived in Mexico City were we paid them a visit as a getaway trip without the kids. This was around April 2019. Before COVID, then we were introduced to the one of the more beautiful cities I had ever seen. It was full of sounds, of life, smells of food, flowering trees of purple, birds chirping, cars honking, people chatting, hugging, smooching, and being alive everywhere! The city has a mystique of tall buildings in unique architectural shapes. As if each building were competing with the next in which can surprise you most. In the distance, through the buildings, there was a vista a sleeping mountains or dormant volcanoes. It was old, and new at the same time! I was smitten, forgetting that we didn’t speak ANY Spanish!! That was just me though. I was a family of 4 with 2 dogs. There was no way we would all be able to travel the way I thought we would. No possible way!!!!
I will spare you the details in between those 10 years where I had the dreams of traveling as a family., and our brief visit in 2019. What was most important about our adventure was the day that the phone didn’t ring.
My husbands job offered a few highly sought after positions in some overseas locations. These position usually required quite a bit of “schmoozing”, and “networking” to know the right people, at the right time, to get an opportunity to be even remotely considered for a spot. We lived in a rural town so very far away from Washington DC, where NO “schmoozing” takes place. It was next to impossible to even be considered. “You asked for this”, started to be heard in my head.
We noticed a position opened up, and as unqualified as we were, we applied of a position in Mexico City, MX. We were nervous and excited. Holy Crap, We may actually do this!! Not sure if that is considered ambition or stupid, either way we applied and we were declined 3 times!!! Yes 3 times. Now this can appear quite discouraging and a cause to just go along as usual, and not try anymore. We had a good life, and there was no need to change any of it. I knew better though. I was remembering the prayers I prayed, and those versus started popping in my head as if it were a tiny speaker in the back of my brain, “You asked for this” I would hear. I did! Yes, I did ask for this. So why the No! Then we applied again and yet another No. That stupid little voice came back again, “You asked for this.” I did ask for this, but I am now thoroughly confused. We tried one last time as another random spot opened up and yet another no! That time my husband was very discouraged, but man if that stupid little voice didn’t pop back up!!! I know what it said, and I was now a bit discouraged too, little voice or no voice. I was confused.
Then COVID fell upon our entire planet!! circa 2019
I didn’t think much of our rejections after we all were sequestered to our homes. I had a home that was full all day long now. That was great for about a week! I was cooking ALL THE TIME, and cleaning, and then I had to somehow figure how to teach! Our kids were 7 and 8 at the time. Boom!!! The overload swarmed me. I looked around at our house and thought, “Man I am so thankful I am in this house where the kids can play soccer in the back yard, and we have space to venture out in!
It dawned on me….. God was letting me know that He has a plan in motion and I am to get ready. I wasn’t set into shock therapy over a new transition, but I was nudged into the insanity of a new life abroad!
18 months into COVID now circa 2021, the call came!!! I knew and my stomach dropped. I knew before Todd answered. That was strange enough! Todd mentioned on the phone, “Hold on I need to ask the Boss”, that is me! I almost threw up, and YES. flew out of my mouth!!!
That was how it all began!